Patient Reviews

Hear What Our Patients Are Saying

We are dedicated to improving the lives of the hearing impaired, one patient at a time. Everything we do is to help people with hearing loss enjoy the sounds, voices, people and conversations in their lives. We take great pride in helping people get back the gift of hearing—there is nothing more gratifying.

Dawn and Debbie

Dawn thought her hearing loss only affected herself, so put off getting help. Then she realized her family was affected, too.


See what made Todd change his opinion about hearing aids and why he regrets he didn’t change it sooner.

Jim and Carol

Jim didn’t want to wear hearing aids because he thought the technology was “old”. He changed his mind when he heard how much hearing aid technology has changed.

Terry Testimonial – Tinnitus Treatment Solution

Hear what wearers have to say about our new Tinnitus Treatment Solution.

Read a Few of Our Google Reviews

We are rated 4.3 out of 5 stars based on 10 reviews on Google.

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Read what some of our patients have to say about our staff and our office!

Friendly, helpful staff.

Reviewer Profile Photo Pam Groves, on Google

Wonderful people Linda and my audiologist, Chris Lowery! Love these two so much, they've the sweetest Business I e ever been in except for Dr Berry Jean WestI know!!

Reviewer Profile Photo Fonda, on Google

Very nice people

Reviewer Profile Photo Susie Crihfield, on Google

Good place, very helpful staff, lots of stuff.

Reviewer Profile Photo Larry Vann, on Google

Very professional and helpful. Resolved questions concerning my 10-year old grandson's hearing. HIGHLY recommended!

Reviewer Profile Photo Valerie Lena', on Google

Our daughter would come into the room and ask why I had the TV so loud. It’s nice to be able to be in the room with others and not have them going crazy with the loud volume. It’s a good feeling to now have the sound come right into my hearing aids.

Patricia D.

Being able to hear conversations the first time again, really understand them, was fabulous for me. Instead of asking my family to repeat themselves and try to visualize their lips as they talk, I had the opportunity to find that I just can close my eyes, listen, I would hear it and understand them.

Dawn C.